Saturday, May 05, 2007

Excuses and More Excuses

I have received dozens of emails berating me for failing to write about sex and monogamy. Here are my lame excuses.

1. It is a very complicated topic. I have many posts that I have started, but have not posted because I believe they fail to capture the real feel of the situations. There are many nuances in love and relationships that make their context more difficult to describe than simpler sex.

2. It is a very complicated topic, part II. Many of the insights I have been developing are really about sharing life, and not about love per se. The interplay between emotion, relationships, money, social interactions, and activities is again difficult to capture.

3. Privacy is challenging. This blog is a work of fiction. It is based on fact, but I change several aspects to enhance privacy. There is no real privacy in the world today, but this illusion is important. The complexities noted above often conspire to make it very difficult to capture the idea and yet maintain any level of anonymity because changing any given fact alters the balance and feel of the rest.

4. Lacking motivation. Receiving correspondance does increase my motivation, but writing is most often a way to manage a tension or issue. My life is remarkably lacking tensions right now. When I was seeking sex and relationships in my previous blog there was plenty of interesting tensions. I was intrincially dissatisfied despite my apparent material and social success and wealth, and clearly searching for something. While I am still a seeker, it is not dissatisfaction that motivates but rather protection of my existing happiness. It is somehow quite different.

The unfinished posts really do real with complex issues that are difficult to describe compactly, as well as being moving targets of my own opinion. The topics include my observations on:

  1. Wealthy couples who are exceedingly unhappy;
  2. Humanity's apparent inability to deal with surplus, especially in relationships;
  3. Social responsibility in the context of responsibility to a committed relationship;
  4. Worth, self-worth and the role of partnership;
  5. Building versus Salvage, two different models of efforts in a relationship;
  6. Death, Divorce, Depression and Disillusionment; and
  7. Planning for Monogamy.

I referred to some of these topics as conversations I have been having with Jenny. Perhaps I need a ghost writer...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you don't get a ghost writer! I enjoy your writing although I never left any comments before. Keep living, and keep writing. Bravo!